Time Clock Wizard for Convenient Task Management
Have you ever imagine working with many colleagues who apparently are living in many different part of the world with time different and also different supporting device? Surely the complication first comes as that you cannot have the physical meeting and briefing to share the workload or to do updating of each people’s progress in work. This problem has been solved long ago by the ability to do conference call or video call. You can be literally in the Ohio while your colleagues are in Nairobi, Bangkok, and Berlin. Yet, that’s not the end of the story. Still there is a problem about doing task with time different and how to complete it. Well, Time Clock Wizard has the solution of your problem to keep everything on track. Go here and be ready to have your work done no matter where you are.
First of all this task arranger is one of the feature comes with the multifunction apps, Time Clock Wizard. If clocking in and clocking out by conventional absent machine at work is too old school for you especially for some people working in remote area, this online reliable attendant system management will do it right for you. Time Clock Wizard has Photo Capture, Clockguard, and Clockpoint to make sure the attendant system is reliable and not tricked by the “no very honest” coworkers. To go here you need to download the application. If you are the one in charge of the task management of your team, you can use the feature of Task Management.
Task Management helps you to set a task for group of people assigned to do the same task. By setting up a task you can check the progress of the task, set deadline that should be fulfilled, and allow the same person assigned to same task to communicate and coordinate. Helping your coworkers to keep up with the project being done is important. Then the function of clock in and clock out would be very beneficial for you or the HR department to do the payroll, because once the person is clocking in, the counting will start and will be notified directly to you by email or text. Go here to TimeClockWizard.